Why offer the Vision Warranty Program at your financial institution?
Consumer Benefits:
- Reduced cost versus dealer offerings.
- Superior customer service versus direct to consumer or dealer offerings.
- Easy to use contract holder smart phone application.
Financial Institution Benefits:
- Vision Warranty Corporation only serves the financial institution marketplace. The Vision Program was designed to meet credit union needs.
- Protect financed collateral and lower the probability of default due to mechanical failures.
- Backed by the only full service call center in the industry to support your loan staff. Never a hold during business hours, always speak to a person.
- Superior Training including – Online Video Training, Webinar Training, and Onsite Professional Product and Sales Training.
- On any major claim denial, claim is reviewed by upper management prior to denial and account is contacted.
- Some of the best coverage in the marketplace. Compare to your current program – Compare Here
- Customized incentive and compensation programs available.
- Monthly newsletter which includes sample claims, sales tips, product information, and contest updates.
Service Contracts Programs Provided By: